I regularly check the news here in Argentina, several times a day. Admittedly, I just visit the website of La Nación plus the posts that popup on Facebook and Instagram from other users/outlets. The news here makes me very worried and anxious, and while it is good (and wise) to know what's going on in the streets of Buenos Aires, it drives me into a spiral of thoughts about leaving and doomsday approaching sooner than ever.
However, the reality speaks differently: we have been here 9 years this year, our quality of life is better than in Europe (budget is a big factor, obviously - we couldn't have afforded to live downtown in a big city and go out to have breakfast and dinner whenever we fancy).
I am still quite impressed that La Nación covers carefully any news on the Spanish and Italian Consulate, their citizenship processes, regularly publish news and updates about the visa appointments at the US embassy, emigrating to the US, Spain, Europe and sometimes Australia, Canada and the Middle East, interviews and success stories from Argentinians abroad (sometimes there is also a piece on a foreigner living here).
The bottom line seems to speak clearly: Ezeiza or death!
We spent the first 4 years here wondering when we should leave, instead of enjoying what Argentina had to offer. We barely went to Capital, we didn't have a car and this limited our outings a lot. We were always in an 'about to leave' state, we felt guilty even for putting a nail in the wall to hang a picture because we'd been soon leaving the apartment and fixing the hole in the wall was yet another thing to do before fleeing.
However... I see plenty of Argentinians enjoying the nightlife in Palermo, Belgrano, Recoleta and also the up and coming neighborhoods of Villa Crespo, Almagro, Colegiales, Coghlan. Argentinian economy, with its dysmorphia and juggling by the BCRA, somehow still keep going on. I see many new stores and food place being opened by young Argentinians and I don't think they are opened on borrowed money and will file for bankruptcy in a year.
I see people going to Miami every year or so, people taking 2-3-week long vacations to Europe as a family...
So, what's the truth behind the news? Why there is this constant push to make us feel miserable?