Could anyone please recommend a reputable immigration attorney?

There are 4 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 611 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.

  • Good morning all.

    I returned to BA on 29 SEP 22 after leaving BA on 07 APR 20 for shoulder surgery in Florida. And then the country performed a lengthy hard shut down; during which time (on 19 MAY 21) my two year pensioner visa / DNI expired.

    I've been repeatedly advised that Migracion understands that such pandemic caused circumstances were beyond the control of the pensioner visa / DNI holders and thus, that Migracion has made the process of renewal considerably easier than the usual tramite ordeal. However, when I attempt to initiate the process via RADEX, it seems that I must start fully anew due to the DNI being more than 60 days out - even though the country was closed for well over a year. I believe until about NOV 21.

    I suppose that I could just overstay my existing tourist visa (90 days + 90 days), and pay a negligible fine, but I respect the laws and so wish to hold a valid DNI. If anyone here could please recommend an honest immigration attorney, it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks and regards, Thomas

  • Hi, Born Free, and welcome to the forum. I hope someone else can help you get your pensioner visa reinstated. The only immigration attorney I know of is an egotist and shameless self-promoter on other platforms, so I’m afraid I can’t help.

    Thanks for your reply. I found an attorney, Gabriel Celano, who comes highly recommended from people whom I respect. Cheers.

    I wonder who.......

    :th_giggle01: :th_giggle01: :th_giggle01:

    Thank you Sir. My friends have turned me towards an attorney who is well known for his quality of work. My Bolivian taxi driver friend and I completed the process ourselves the last time and, well, ...... never again. Regards.

  • So glad you found someone reputable. I suspect others on the forum shared my concern that you could fall for a mercenary lawyer.

    I was about to ask if an immigration attorney was necessary or if this was something you could do for yourself. Then you sent the comment and visual image of you and your taxi driver combining forces, and I was glad I hadn’t asked.

    Hope all goes well!