Retiro bus terminal

There are 4 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 594 times. The latest Post () was by UK Man.

  • On Tuesday my main client asked me to go to the bus terminal in Retiro to buy some tickets for them. I knew where it was, but not where the actual ticket offices were, but was directed by some friendly firemen and the place is massive with over 100 ticket offices. Neither did I realise that bus travel was so popular.

    Anyway, the area is a bit dodgy to say the least and when I chained the bike to a nearby lamppost, I was hoping it would still be there when I got back. Thankfully it was.

    Not recommended for night strolling.

  • As you know, it's right next door to Villa 31- in fact some of the terminal's land has been absorbed into it. What you might not know is the Villa 31 is now on Google Streetview: drag the little, wriggling Streetview man into the middle of Villa 31 and let him wander around and show you.

  • I have to say I have only happy memories of Retiro. I was fascinated by the place on my first visit and even more fascinted by the wonderful seat service I received once on the coach......even better than British Airways. 👍👍👍 It was only a three hour journey as well.

    Not used it for years as we take a taxi whenever we have to go to the capital now.