Indigenous? Freaking zoonotics, golden horde of nature. Boom bust, happens in nature as well, humans must learn(accept) we are part of nature, not it's master.

Argentina weather
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UK Man , they must taste good to cattle and dogs? I’m so glad your Molly survived her unfortunate banquet.
UK Man , they must taste good to cattle and dogs? I’m so glad your Molly survived her unfortunate banquet.
I was told by a vet the problem for cattle is when they graze on alfalfa. Quite common for cattle owners to sow alfalfa for cattle to feed on. Seems the insects are attracted to the flowers. As for Molly. We have grape vines and when a ripe grapes drop to the ground she eats them. However, I had noticed the siete de oro insects also love them. I've seen 30 or more around a grape. I suspect Molly just ate the lot. Fortunately she vomitted them up. I believe, however don't quote me on this, that bovines are unable to vomit.
TMI on bovines, but not enough about Molly, the grape-eating epicure!
TMI on bovines, but not enough about Molly, the grape-eating epicure!
After the vomit incident she never ate for 5 days which was worrying as she's normally a greedy little bugger. This all happened when my mother in law passed away so I kept it to myself as the missus had enough on her mind. Thankfully, Molly has fully recovered and is now back to full health...eating like a pig again!!
Grey the greyhound got me up at this ridiculous hour as he always starts crying whenever we have thunderstorms. It's pretty noisy but thankfully not much rain so far. I believe the worst of it is heading towards BA.
The rain is a wee bit heavy here and its been very noisy with thunder since around 5am
The rain is a wee bit heavy here and its been very noisy with thunder since around 5am
Well I was able to get back to bed shortly after I posted as it all went quiet so Grey fell asleep. Horrible dull and damp morning but at least I didn't haven't had any mopping up to do.
Well I was able to get back to bed shortly after I posted as it all went quiet so Grey fell asleep. Horrible dull and damp morning but at least I didn't haven't had any mopping up to do.
Only problem here is an overflowing pool.....
Only problem here is an overflowing pool.....
Great example of humblebragging!
Great example of humblebragging!
Otherwise known in Glasgow as ''bumming his load''.
The evening here has been wet wet wet. 65mm has fallen and it's still pissing down. Just as well the missus closed the rooftop of the Ferrari.
Now THAT’S what is called WORLD CLASS humblebragging. Bravo!
We ended up with 80mm of rain which resulted in us having to get the buckets out to collect the water from two ceiling leaks. They do seem to have a problem building waterproof roofs here.
Since I fixed the roof leaks, we've been lucky!
Since I fixed the roof leaks, we've been lucky!
I've had several goes at fixing one of the leaks yet it's still getting in. I give up.
We ended up with 80mm of rain which resulted in us having to get the buckets out to collect the water from two ceiling leaks. They do seem to have a problem building waterproof roofs here.
Too many flat roofs in this country....
Too many flat roofs in this country....
Tin ones as well. They're a nightmare to maintain.
Just been announced this May has officially become the wettest on record. So from record drought and high summer temperatures to record rainfall all in the space of a few months. To top it all off the last few days have been ruddy freezing as well.
It was showing 3C on the car temp indicator when I took GlasgowJohn Jr to school this morning.
There was a frost in the countryside yesterday. Got down to 1c here in the town. Tad warmer last night, only got down to 4c.