Prenup, shoulda, woulda, coulda.

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No, only the PMC believe that fabulation of bloviated blathering booise bullshite.
Do most Americans still think they live in the best country in the world or is that collective thinking being eroded by experience?
Perhaps more importantly do they think they live in the land of the free or is that belief out the window too?
Good questions, @Bombonera . For the past 7 years, my disillusionment with my fellow countrymen has been at the bursting point. Like others who watched as the Former Guy and his facilitators and minions shredded the constitution, enriched the 1% while decimating the middle class, diminished individuals’ rights, made it harder for the poor to vote, chose military weapons over the safety of their own children, and put their collective thumb on the balance of our once-sacrosanct Supreme Court, I started looking around at the rest of the world with new eyes.
But as low as our country has stooped, I honestly haven’t thought of a better one. Can you name any?
Well there’s choices about where you live but more importantly there’s choices about what and how you think.I’m not sure that there are many of your fellow countrymen exercising their minds about either.
There appears to be a collective cerebral paralysis in the US about most things that affect the citizens everyday.
I have to agree. Culture Wars have smothered common sense, in too many cases.
As long as the nefarious and the numb-brained are not in control of ALL facets of federal, state, and local gov’t, the country can try to limp back into sanity. Otherwise, it’s lights out.
But I am curious, @Bombonera . What countries stand out to you as beacons for the future? And what say you, Gary Kipher ?
Name any that have stooped lower or still imagines its greatness? Rice I really wish I could give a good answer, read that 8500 word essay I posted and see if it reveals any insight. The American Century as dreamed by Bretton Woods and free market neoliberalism is in serious wobble. I don't need to explain to you how badly the globalist ruined estado unidos manufacturing. High speed trains? Nope. Affordable education. Zip. Healthcare.
Infastructure. Whats infastructure? Citizens united? Hilarious. Privatize profits and socialize cost. It's worked out so great. But the butchers bill is coming due, fingers crossed, but the neocons really believe their the exceptional ones.
The culture wars are a distraction from the class war that's been going on since WWI. Read prof. Jacques R. Pauwels 'The Great Class War' 1914-1918, then get back to me.
No argument there. The republic, elects a new king every four years, monetized capture has turned the federal system into a rotating door of lobbyists and Mic handlers. Old rich white guy. And a token person of color to look inclusive sprinkled about. Follow the money and see what laws get legislated. We the people? Fucking farce.
Yeah, don't have to convince me, I read one banking site, Wall Street on Parade. It pretty much dissected the issues on a regular basis. I make no opinions on others countries debt obligations, my countries are epic enough. Lost in translation, I was describing estado unidos, not Argentina.
Federal borrowing is $34 trillion.
Argentine borrowing is about $4 trillion.
Don’t get so smug you Americans 🙄
Why do you think we Americans are so smug?
And neither of you can name any countries you’d recommend? Really?
Ya, Rice, I didn't get the smug reference either? My friend just got back from China, said the experience was phenomenal, especially liked the mag-lev train, and especially liked the museums. I really liked Holland, but as for a beacon, or exemplar nation? And I enjoyed France, but that was twenty years ago, I love museums and libraries. I speak no French, but had a great time. Also had many travels in Mexico. But now? I'm a senior citizen, that changes everything, I'm definitely not a tour group kinda person.
It's Called the American Dream Because You Have To Be Asleep to Believe It - scheerpost.comA thorough dissection of America’s capitalist mythology reveals the sham to which lots of people continue to subscribe, despite growing nationwide
Truth hurts, but knowledge is the salve for a disease that's terminal.
Man, I thought I was pessimistic.
For my country, look at what's going on up here, spin me a fairy tale mr. prezedent.
Yikes. Where did you find THAT?