My husband always described as 'very modern' the Constitution of Argentina, but I am little perplexed that once a government is elected, it has free say on everything. There is no compromising with the opposition, no discussion that involve also the opposing party. Basically, who is in charge does whatever they want, the party member, like a sect of acolytes, simply vote en masse what they are told. There are no nuances, no voices out of the chorus (a more conservative fringe, or a more moderate one), no discussion.
Even in my dysfunctional home country politics there is always some negotiation with the other coalition of parties, and I would have thought that having one big party on the other side would mean even more powerful negotiations. Instead, there is none.
Can somebody explain why there is no room for negotiation? We have just finished watching the series Borgen on Netflix and one line of the neo-elected Danish Prime Minister stuck with me: "I am the prime minister of all Danishes, not only of those who voted me".
BTW, I recommend the series wholeheartedly.