Learning Spanish in Argentina

There are 49 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 8,908 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.

  • Semigoodlooking u r fully correct.....

    Spanish is basically never spoken in countries that is not "spanish"......like Spain, Latin America f.ex. But English is spoken in many countries that are not "English"

    So English is a much more useful language than spanish for sure, (unless you live in a spanish speaking country of course).

  • @JAN you're right, but I was not even talking about who learns English but who speaks it as a first language. Although I think Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world.

    Anyway, it's taking away from what Rice posted which was far more interesting than this. I have often wondered why English speakers tend to find it harder to learn another language.

  • I remember my father started to learn Esperanto......an invented language easy to learn and speak........never really took of......but that would be what u would like Rice I guess.....

    • Official Post

    I remember my father started to learn Esperanto......an invented language easy to learn and speak........never really took of......but that would be what u would like Rice I guess.....

    I took an elementary online course in Esperanto some 15 years ago. It was by email, long before Duolingo and modern resources. A curious experiment!

    There is an Esperanto school here in Buenos Aires. I wonder who attends it...

  • And with the forced introduction of “todes,” will Presidente de todos los Argentinos become Presidente de todes los Argentinos? or even Presidente de todes les Argentines? (Crossing over to French)

    How, exactly, will “todes” work? Is there any agreement with related words, or is the masculine form, todos, being changed to a genderless form while all the following words retain their gender? And if that’s the case, what’s the point?

  • my question is this:

    How can u allow happy hour to women only at certain bars?

    How can u allow female only gyms?

    How can it be there is no 50/50 quote by garbage disposal companies, or moving companies?

    I could go on.......just an example of obvious gender discrimination!!!!!

    • Official Post

    I started around four years ago, but the corona virus has stopped that for a while. I don't like the lessons online

    Just want to go back to the normal method of learning.

    I agree with you, SpaceNut. When the pandemics started, I moved one 1 to 1 class online but eventually after a month I called it off. It took away all the pleasure of meeting someone over a coffee and teach in person. At home, in front of the screen, was simply an underpaid couple of hours in front of the computers of the many hours I already spent in front of it.

    • Official Post

    Why so many Argentine women are seeing shrinks...

    (English translation below)


    LA PARAGUAYA: Pero había sido que sos un capo mi rey!!!!

    LA CUBANA: Cosa mas grande en la vida, caballero!!!

    LA YANKI: Great, honey...! and your name was....?

    LA ITALIANA: Mamma mía...bravo.. bravíssssimo!!!

    LA FRANCESA: C'est la vie!... au revoir...

    LA INGLESA: I'll take a bath... want some tea?

    LA VENEZOLANA: Cónchale, vale!... Esto estuvo de novela, chico!!!

    LA MEXICANA: Orale güey!... Tú sí que chingas padrísimo!!!

    LA ESPAÑOLA: ¡Joder tío!... Veo que lo tuyo es follar... Ostias,qué jaleo!!!

    LA ARGENTINA: Mirá... no vayas a pensar mal de mi... es la primera vez que me pasa; no se por qué pasó ésto tan rápido; jurame que no vas a creer que soy una mujer fácil y no me vas dejar de ver o de llamar. Y si mi mami se entera o si se enteran en el trabajo o lo que es peor,si mis amigas se enteran!... No se qué hacer pero, de verdad, te lo juro que esta fué mi primera vez y por eso tenés que valorarme... Bueno, la verdad que ya tuve algo anterior viste?, pero no fué nada parecido a esto. Lo que pasa es que yo le quería, pero él me engañó, la pasé remal, me quedé luego traumada, viste? y pensé que nunca iba a estar con otro hombre en la vida, pero apareciste vos y estoy un poco confundida, porque vos parecés muy diferente al resto de los tipos, y por eso nomás te dí bola, porque normalmente yo... sabés qué?, ni miro a nadie, entendés?. Y bueno, nada,lo que más me preocupa es que no nos cuidamos y que puedo quedar embarazada. Jurame que si es así, vos me vas a "responder" y me vas a pedir matrimonio, porque yo de que me caso de blanco, ¡me caso de blanco!! Eso sí!, ¡porque la chusma, viste como es!!... Y jurame también que vamos a hacer juntos la lista de regalos de una casa de regalos que conozco y ya vi que tienen muchas cosas que vamos a necesitar... obvio, ¿no? Te juro que me siento re-extraña, esta es una nueva experiencia para mí, y vos me tenés que tratar de la mejor forma porque estoy muuuy susceptible. .. Además, tenés que entender que ésto una no lo hace con cualquier tipo por ahí... Y ahora no quiero que te pierdas con la primera que se te cruce en el camino, porque de esas aprovechadoras hay un montón, que viven engañando a los hombres como vos, que parecés tan bueno,¿me entendés?. Y...bueno... o sea, ya sabés, yo sólo por amor me entregué a vos y no me interesa tu dinero ni nada, lo único que realmente me reinteresa es nuestra felicidad y de todos los hijos que vamos a tener, porque tenemos que darle seguridad y que vivan en una casa decente, con todas las comodidades, para que no sufran lo que yo sufrí, ¿me entendés?. Y bueno, decíme... ¿cuándo vamos a vernos otra vez? Avisame ya, para ir viendo lo del cursillo, porque a veces no se consigue lugar, ¿entendés?, y las iglesias como la de San José y esas, siempre están todas ocupadas y hay que hacer la reservación para el casamiento con mucho tiempo. Dale, mi vida, sos un ángel y quiero escuchar una sola palabrita de tus labios, para quedarme más tranquila, porque como te dije, esta situación me pone muy alterada y sensible ... ¿me entendés Carlos? .... Carlosss???



    LA PARAGUAYA: But it had been that you are a kingpin my king !!!!

    LA CUBANA: Biggest thing in life, gentleman !!!

    LA YANKI: Great, honey ...! and your name was ....?

    THE ITALIAN: Mamma mía ... bravo .. bravíssssimo !!!

    THE FRENCH: C'est la vie! ... au revoir ...

    LA INGLESA: I'll take a bath ... want some tea?

    THE VENEZUELAN: Cónchale, okay! ... This was a novel, boy !!!

    LA MEXICANA: Orale güey! ... You are fucking great !!!

    LA ESPAÑOLA: Damn man! ... I see that your thing is to fuck ... Ostias, what a fuss !!!

    LA ARGENTINA: Look ... don't think badly of me ... it's the first time this has happened to me; I don't know why this happened so quickly; swear to me that you will not believe that I am an easy woman and you will not stop seeing or calling me. And if my mom finds out or if they find out at work or what is worse, if my friends find out! ... I don't know what to do but, really, I swear to you this was my first time and that's why you have What to value me ... Well, the truth is that I already had something before, did you see? But it was nothing like this. The thing is that I loved him, but he cheated on me, I had a hard time, I was then traumatized, you see? and I thought that I would never be with another man in my life, but you showed up and I'm a bit confused, because you seem very different from the rest of the guys, and that's why I just gave you a ball, because normally I ... you know what ? I don't even look at anyone, do you understand?

    Well, nothing, what worries me the most is that we don't take care of ourselves and that I can get pregnant. Swear to me that if that's the case, you are going to "answer" me and you are going to ask me to marry me, because I am getting married in white, I am getting married in white !! Of course! Because the rabble, you saw how it is !! ... And also swear to me that we are going to make together the gift list of a gift house that I know and I already saw that they have many things that we are going to need ... obviously not? I swear to you that I feel re-strange, this is a new experience for me, and you have to treat me in the best way because I am sooo susceptible. .. Also, you have to understand that this one does not do it with any guy out there ... And now I don't want you to get lost with the first one that crosses your path, because there are a lot of those profiteers, who live deceiving to men like you, who seem so good, do you understand me?

    And ... well ... I mean, you know, I just gave myself to you out of love and I'm not interested in your money or anything, the only thing that really interests me is our happiness and all the children we are going to have, because we have to give them security and that they live in a decent house, with all the comforts, so that they do not suffer what I suffered, do you understand me? And well, tell me ... when are we going to meet again? Let me know now, to see about the course, because sometimes you can't find a place, do you understand? And churches like San José and those are always all busy and you have to make a reservation for the wedding with plenty of time. Give him, my love, you are an angel and I want to hear a single word from your lips, to be calmer, because as I told you, this situation makes me very upset and sensitive ... Do you understand me Carlos? .... Carlosss ???

    CARLOOOSSSSS ??? !!!!!!!!!