Please don't be alarmed whilst we make a few subtle changes to the look and feel of the forum during the course of the day.
Many thanks.
There are 8 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 4,085 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.
Please don't be alarmed whilst we make a few subtle changes to the look and feel of the forum during the course of the day.
Many thanks.
HOT NEWS now displays correctly (title on top of image).
Well, that's certainly HOT NEWS!
Thank you.
Opted out of Godaddy 'Real User Metrics' in order to clear any page load issues.
This is just a diary note, for reference only.
Create New Thread dialogue box now shows headings in correct colour i.e, white on blue.
Thanks to CruiseJunki for pointing this out.
Copyright notice added at footer.
The Prostack server will be undergoing maintenance at 1100 BST on 28th of June until 0300 on 29th June, so the forum won't be available during those times (0300-0700 Argentina time on 29th June).
I will never remember that for 10 days. But thanks for the warning -