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Why Does a Rocket Need to Roll Going Into Orbit?
I've often wondered this and the nice lady at Vintage Space gives us the answer.
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I've often wondered this and the nice lady at Vintage Space gives us the answer.
All my rockets go straight up and then fall back to Earth?
“‘Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
That’s not my department,’says Wernher von Braun.”
- lyrics by Tom Lehrer
If you're into quantam physics you'll love this. If not, it may be rather scary.
Doesn't look like a lot of us will be around to see the end.
I’m not into quantum physics, so to me this is all terribly sad. We can’t control phenomena like the sun’s ultimate death, but we can control the much nearer-term effects of our own carelessness and pollution on the immediate atmosphere of our one small planet.
Were the moon landings faked? Yes, that old chestnut and I personally have never believed in the hoax theory, yet millions still do, apparently.
Mind you, it's also possible to convince yourself that you believe in almost anything, as long as you have the will.
This bloke makes an interesting case.
Hell of an expensive series of movies if they were.
Those non believers tend to be eccentrics,attention seekers or are mad as a hatter.
Were the moon landings faked? Yes, that old chestnut and I personally have never believed in the hoax theory, yet millions still do, apparently.
Mind you, it's also possible to convince yourself that you believe in almost anything, as long as you have the will.
This bloke makes an interesting case.
as official spaceship lawyer I can tell you it's proven to be fake...I could post long sub links to some dodgy conspiracy theory websites that confirms that....
Whether you want to believe it or not is your own decisions...ignorance is a bliss..!
I saw secret documents confirming all this, but you know better. PS I'm lawyer, and know things, ok.
Upppps sorry, forgot I have a new identity...
The US Air Force has zero sense of humour when it comes to Area 51, but then you knew that already didn't you?
This explains everything!
If u wanna see weird shit, just come to Argentina.....fully legal and much easier!!!
I remember where I was that night, in Rhu, near Helensburgh, Scotland.
I was working in a summer job at IBM in the NASA complex.
In the wake of the 50th anniversary of the flight of Apollo 11, here’s something to make us stop and think - - and look at our cell phones with more respect. And at NASA’s Apollo 11 feat with infinitely more respect.
Per iDrop News, University of Nottingham professor Graham Kendall has compared the memory, physical storage and processing power of the Apollo 11 Guidance Computer to those of an iPhone.
Similarly, Toni Puiu of ZME Science compared the Apollo 11 computer’s processing power with an iPhone 8 and wrote that the iPhone 8 is 120 million times faster.
“Apple’s A8 chip architecture can hold about 1.6 billion transistors which are capable of processing 3.36 billion instructions per second. That’s 120 million times faster than the Apollo’s computer.
All of this should make you more impressed with the iPhone as a computing device.
“But the gap also illustrates just how much of a feat of science and engineering the Apollo moon mission was.
An iPhone makes the computer that sent astronauts to the moon look bad, but the team at NASA still did it. With the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission looming, you should be more impressed by that.”
Complete article: https://www.idropnews.com/news/your-ipho…term=Newsletter
I've often wondered about the power of the Apollo computers and now we know.
By the way,
I love their technical language.
Short summary for the panicking: Expected to miss and currently classified NO HAZARD. Tiny, most likely for an asteroid of that size is ‘Splosh in Pacific’. Likely many thousands of years before any such asteroid hits an urban aarea.
And their reassurance.
Some time in the next century or two then we can expect one of those many asteroids to hit, but if they are being tracked we would have at least 10 years warning to evacuate any city. The most likely thing is that the next asteroid to hit just sploshes harmlessly in the ocean. Hitting a city is extremely unlikely and most likely have to wait many thousands of years for that.
Wait - is Bajo masquerading as Splinter?