Ojo de bife is looking good. Would pay four times that for local grass fed bife in estado unidos. I'm curious, see Argentinians raise world class bife, what does your chain stores/corporate conglomerate carry? Grass fed or feed lot bife?

Watching the dollar
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The peso is in freefall today.....we're doomed!!!
You pop out for a few hours and come back to find it's now at $436
Economy minister, Massa, blames the drought ffs.
$440 at 13.30hs
Economy minister, Massa, blames the drought ffs.
Here was me thinking all those cereal growers were raking it in as well.
Here was me thinking all those cereal growers were raking it in as well.
QuoteFor every 100 pesos generated by a hectare of agricultural land in Argentina, 79 pesos go to the state, mainly at the national level, but also to the provinces and municipalities.
In the case of soya, the calculation is even worse: 94 out of every 100 pesos, according to the quarterly survey of the state's share of agricultural income carried out by the Fundación Agropecuaria para el Desarrollo de Argentina (FADA).
Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Indeed. The guys who rent our land as well as other lands reckon they're down 400 million pesos this year.
Amid resignations and infighting, the dollar rises to record highs - Buenos Aires HeraldWith decreased dollar inflow from the agricultural sector, the parallel dollar rose 10% this weekbuenosairesherald.com -
$442 at 1550hs today, just when you thought Albie's announcement would calm the markets. Maybe he really is that irrelevant.
Let’s talk devaluation. We first came to Argentina 4 years after dollar-peso parity was established. By the time we arrived, the ratio had slid to 1:2.7, and of course 18 years later, it’s 1:425.
I suppose it necessarily will require a complete change of currency? Immediately afterwards, all pricing on goods and services will need to be adjusted? And …?
I’m interested mainly in the practical ramifications for consumers, more than the technical aspects of the process. Maybe Adri or Carlos or both could explain to us how devaluation will occur?
Let’s talk devaluation. We first came to Argentina 4 years after dollar-peso parity was established. By the time we arrived, the ratio had slid to 1:2.7, and of course 18 years later, it’s 1:425.
I suppose it necessarily will require a complete change of currency? Immediately afterwards, all pricing on goods and services will need to be adjusted? And …?
I’m interested mainly in the practical ramifications for consumers, more than the technical aspects of the process. Maybe Adri or Carlos or both could explain to us how devaluation will occur?
Good question. I've asked Adri about this numerous times and my brain may have shut down.
I'll ask again tonight, but the answer won't be pleasant.
If someone can explain it then someone can solve it. A trite comment but…
Well let me ask a question too…
How is the dollar blue rate determined? Literally just on the streets and in the Cuevas? Or is there some under the table official input into it?
This is why I love the place; the endless trying and failing to figure the place out.
It doesn’t get better than that.
My enigmatic Argentina.
Good question. I haven't a flippin' clue to be honest.
It’s probably good that you haven’t a clue. It’s those who say they do I worry about 🤣
Indeed. Less I know the better.
Adri knows, to an extent. Certainly more than I.
What she does know is that a sudden devaluation would be too much of a shock to the system, regardless of how necessary it may be.
Is this a situation where the middle classes start worrying about another snatch at their cash? I can’t join up the dots to know if I’m off beam with the question.
Only those who aren't one step ahead. I'm constantly amazed by how many workarounds exist here to prevent your cash being snaffled. In some repects therein lies the problem. Having said that those in Government don't exactly set an example.
Is this a situation where the middle classes start worrying about another snatch at their cash? I can’t join up the dots to know if I’m off beam with the question.
The Corralito meant that you couldn't withdraw more than AR$200 per month back inn 2001 and it happened overnight.
Adri has just explained all of this to me because she lived the through it. I'm not saying this will happen, but it is a possibility.
She's worried, which is not the reply Io wanted. But there you go.
Keeping as little as possible in the bank is lesson 1 here .
Been interesting reading the first couple of pages of this thread.
Been interesting reading the first couple of pages of this thread.
With a dollar at $45, that seems a long time ago!
Check this out.
Ramiro Goncalves|| RG Inversiones on Instagram: "El dólar se fue a $420, los pesos que vos pones en un plazo fijo cada vez representan menos dólares. Tenes que INVERTIR en dólares y no AHORRAR en dólares. ¿Cómo? Con obligaciones negociables, acciones,…71K likes, 1,490 comments - Ramiro Goncalves|| RG Inversiones (@ramirogoncalvesok) on Instagram: "El dólar se fue a $420, los pesos que vos pones en un plazo…www.instagram.com -
I am interested in his “Plato Fijo o Dólar?” presentation. Although I think I understand where he was going with it, his rapid-fire speech and fleeting Spanish subtitles left me missing details as well as his conclusion. Tried to watch again, but can’t, without getting app or signing in to Instagram, which I avoid.
Would you mind repeating his conclusion, Splinter ?
Be interesting to see what happens on Monday. Fernandez resignation? Silly me, it's Argentina not the UK.