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Historical pictures of Buenos Aires
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Astoundingly unchanged, though much larger and, I’d venture to guess, more dangerous?
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This picture has had quite an impact on me.
Poor of back then and poor of the present are very much alike.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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In the 80s, under the military dictatorship, they cleared it away and moved the residents somewhere else.
Sound familiar?
How much time passed before it was back again?
This would seem an irresistible part of a good novel set in Buenos Aires -
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In the 80s, under the military dictatorship, they cleared it away and moved the residents somewhere else.
Sound familiar?
My personal idea is that you cannot straighten certain situations without resorting to military force. It is just what it is. Some preach education, welfare, resources and financial help. However, I am not sure these measures are (a) getting the results expected; (b) getting the problem solved in a decent amount of time.
Instead of a watch-and-wait approach, I subscribe to the use of military force. One thing I like of Macri's presidency is that he cleaned up Plaza de Mayo from all those 'protesters' living permanently in the tents in the middle of the plaza. That was such a third-world-country thing for display!
When I tell folk back in the UK that our house has a corrugated iron roof they give me funny looks.
When I tell folk back in the UK that our house has a corrugated iron roof they give me funny looks.
In Louisiana, corrugated tin roofs are very popular as an homage to Acadian architecture. And in New Zealand, popping up on new houses are imitation ones made of alloys. I love them!
So Villa 31 now has stylish roofs. Perhaps the walls and floors are next?
At least you have to climb a tall ladder to see ours as it's out of sight at ground level. The modern style coloured galvanised steel roofs are very nice and sensible given the storms you can get. Especially as they haven't a clue how to tile a roof properly here.
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Cheaper to replace after a hail storm too.
A few years ago, in April 2013, a freak hailstorm in our area destroyed hundreds of tiled roofs, many of which were replaced with corrugated roofing. In fact, our neighbour has done just that as tiles are very expensive.
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We have a corrugated iron roof here and when I told my mother, she watched me with a worried face thinking I couldn't afford a proper home.
Personally, I don't mind the look of it, but insulation is terrible. Our bedroom is in the attic and it is very sensitive to external temperature and humidity (also because the windows are aluminium and cheap).
The only buildings in the UK I've seen it used on are allotment sheds hence why the funny looks from the folks back home. They do condensate as I hear the odd drop of water falling on to the ceiling. However I suppose it makes sense.
If I was building a new house I'd get the roof done with the modern coloured stuff. It looks good.
I’ll bet a rainstorm sounds divine, though -
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I’ll bet a rainstorm sounds divine, though -
My husband cannot sleep through violent storms. The cat and I sleep just fine, though.
My husband cannot sleep through violent storms. The cat and I sleep just fine, though.
Neither can I. The wife and Pepe can sleep through anything while muggins here has to get up and investigate the dripping sounds.
We are having a wonderful, noisy storm right now. Makes me want to crawl back into bed and nod off to the lullaby.
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I can sleep in a small boat being tossed around in a force 6 gale, but not when a dog barks outside the house.
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What storied, beautiful buildings! It is tragic that they are all lost. Imagine what those streets would be like if they were still standing!
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