Jokes and funny videos
There are 1,140 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 153,707 times. The latest Post () was by GlasgowJohn.
"Cheeky and unpretentious... Very good value." How Veddy British!
White Lightening? How Arkansas!
A great day to go fishing, they said...
I hope he had a boat stashed nearby --
I couldn't stop laughing
At least unloading 5 shits on your neighbor's head wouldn't kill him.
I see worse than that every time I go walking here in Buenos Aires. Well, maybe not in the head - but on the sidewalk!
I see worse than that every time I go walking here in Buenos Aires. Well, maybe not in the head - but on the sidewalk!
It's hell for acrobats walking around on their hands.
It's hell for acrobats walking around on their hands.
Mimes don’t thrive either. Don’t think dogshit has much to do with that, though.
Mimes don’t thrive either. Don’t think dogshit has much to do with that, though.
It doesn't seem to deter the traffic light jugglers. As long as they keep everything up in the air instead of in the street --
Local hero?
I guess so for eating shyte (polite for saying shit)
I guess so for eating shyte (polite for saying shit)
Really? Spelling it with a 'y' and adding an 'e' somehow elevates the expression? I've always wondered.
Mondo bizarro. But really funny!