The Trump reality show

There are 980 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 168,321 times. The latest Post () was by Rice.

    • Official Post

    The show continues, as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer went head to head with the alpha male in the Oval Office yesterday.

    Pelosi had this to say later...


    “I was trying to be the mom,” she added [of her meeting with Trump and Chuck Schumer], but “it goes to show you: you get into a tinkle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you.”…

    “It’s like a manhood thing with him — as if manhood can be associated with him,” she deadpanned. “This wall thing.”…

    “The press is all there! Chuck is really shouting out. I was trying to be the mom. I can’t explain it to you. It was so wild,” she said, later adding: “But the fact is we did get him to say, to fully own that the shutdown was his. That was an accomplishment.”…

    The entire thing baffled Pelosi. It’s a “cultural phenomenon,” Pelosi told her colleagues, that “the fate of our country [is] in the hands of this person.”

  • Humorous, yes. Deserved, definitely. But I wish she had just ignored his revolting self and had risen above.

    Engaging with him simply puts herself at rush for the same mud-wrestling that allowed him to take down every single of his republican opponents in 2016.

    The world order is at stake here.

  • On my website/forum I have included a POLL regarding the question: Should President Trump be impeached?

    The Poll is open to GUESTS as well as Forum Members.

    Enough is enough! It's time that this despicable excuse for a President (or human being for that matter) is forced to leave the White House.

    However, it is not enough just to impeach President Trump.

    His whole team - Cabinet and advisors (and that definitely includes Jarded Kushner) - should be forced out of the White House.

  • The problem, of course, is that his ardent fans will never believe even the most ironclad evidence of his corruption and treachery, so regardless of the process of removing him, the result could be a deeper divide in the country.

    I must add a postscript to the buzzfeed story I posted earlier: the Special Counsel’s spokesperson released a statement that the story was ‘not accurate.’ Note that the statement did not say the story was false. “Inaccurate” has a wide range of meanings- - - -

  • His day will come, I'm sure of it.

    And I hope it is BEFORE the next election!

    BTW: The NEXT U.S. Presidential Election (November 2020) will result in a Democrat being elected - regardless of who is in the run for that position.

    My prediction is Joe Biden (former Vice President) will be elected if he decides to run. He is supposed to make the decision to run for President later this year.

    The problem, of course, is that his ardent fans will never believe even the most ironclad evidence of his corruption and treachery, so regardless of the process of removing him, the result could be a deeper divide in the country.

    You could be right of course. But as a person who lives in the U.S. and seeing first hand what is going on presently in this country (politically and otherwise),

    the "risk" is worth it.

    Impeaching Trump (successfully) would be a huge "win" for the Democrats. But it also would signal that President Trump's type of "governing" will never again be tolerated. And better yet, the people who voted him in will come to realize they were wrong. There of course will always be "die-hards" - that always is the case in politics.

    However the next election will usher in a whole new team (either way, e.g. whether or not President Trump is removed thru the impeachment process or by being defeated in the November 2020 election).

  • If anyone is really interested in what Mike Pence is really like, one only has to re-view (through established records) what his voting records was on several key issues.

    A good place to start would be to key in "Mike Pence" at

    Personally I find that silly smirk (and often times blank stare) sickening.

    2020, hurry up and get here!


    If Joe Biden decides to run for President in the 2020 Presidential Election, I am voting for him!

    • Official Post

    Just when you thought the Chump in Chief couldn't distort reality any more thatn he already has done, he says his intelligence chiefs' words were taken out of context, even though said intelligence chiefs' lips were moving before the cameras in a Senate hearing, speaking the words he says were taken out of context.

    So, be careful. The next time you open your mouth, you may be accused of actually talking out of context.…d-trump-kth-ac360-vpx.cnn

  • Hi Splinter!

    Regarding "talking out of context", Is this something like that idiot statement Rudy Guiliani made a few weeks ago, e.g., "The truth is not the truth" ?

    I am convinced that Trump's insanity is a highly infectious disease and all of Washington D.C. politicos should be quarantined immediately to ensure "National Security".

    As for President Trump, the "disease" he is suffering from is in its last stages, and therefore there is no cure available.

    All the more reason to get rid of him.

    Note: Just in case this last statement raises "eyebrows" at NSA, I emphasize that in saying 'get rid of him' ......... as referring to IMPEACHMENT.

    • Official Post

    Has there ever been a coup de'etat in the US? We nearly had one in the UK when Wilson was PM and of course there have been many instances of Prime Ministers being stabbed in the back by colleagues, then ousted by their own party faithful.

    Don't you have a vote of no confidence in the US?

  • No examples of a coup d’etat that I can dredge up, though one would certainly be welcome right about NOW.

    The Vote of No Confidence sadly doesn’t exist either. Not that any of the scaredy-cats in the US Senate would have the nerve to try. They are afraid to even speak their own opinions, lest the Bully-in-Chief tweet ill of them.

  • Just when you thought the Chump in Chief couldn't distort reality any more thatn he already has done, he says his intelligence chiefs' words were taken out of context, even though said intelligence chiefs' lips were moving before the cameras in a Senate hearing, speaking the words he says were taken out of context.

    So, be careful. The next time you open your mouth, you may be accused of actually talking out of context.